Surpass - definitie. Wat is Surpass
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Wat (wie) is Surpass - definitie

·vt To go beyond in anything good or bad; to Exceed; to Excel.
v. a.
Excel, exceed, outdo, outstrip, outrun, override, transcend, cap, overtop, beat, go beyond.
¦ verb be greater or better than.
?[as adjective surpassing] archaic or literary incomparable or outstanding.
surpassable adjective
surpassingly adverb
C16: from Fr. surpasser, from sur- 'above' + passer 'to pass'.


Surpass was a short-lived Wrigley antacid gum.
Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor Surpass
1. surpasses it.
2. to surpass human capabilities.
Humans Need Not Apply _ Jerry Kaplan _ Talks at Google
3. ♪ surpass the speed yes
Josh Ritter Live Performance _ Talks at Google
4. so when artificial intelligence surpasses
John Lennox _ 2084 - Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Humanity _ Talks at Google
5. and sometimes surpasses the writers,
CBS's Instinct _ Alan Cumming & Michael Rauch _ Talks at Google
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor Surpass
1. "This year, [revenue] will surpass 1 billion zlotys.
2. An emerging China endeavors to surpass our economic leadership.
3. "We should not surpass the necessary steps," he said.
4. Officials estimated that the death toll would surpass 35,000.
5. I don’t expect the events of the next two decades would surpass this spectacular feat.